Below is a list of supplies you will need to provide for your student’s Bridges classes. Please see the course descriptions tab for class curriculum links.
9th/10th Grade Literature:
– Students’ own, new (no notations) copies of each book are preferable, as we will be learning to annotate. Dover Thrift Editions are recommended for classics. Students could alternately have books checked out of the library when needed and have an ample supply of mini sticky notes.
Advanced Biology: Anatomy and Physiology
- Curriculum: Apologia The Human Body, 2nd edition (student textbook only)
- Colored pencils
– Gmail account (either your own or a parent’s) to submit study guides is required
Algebra 1
-Curriculum: Math-U-See Algebra 1 Student Pack
-Curriculum link:|1008673
– 1.5” 3-ring binder
– Loose-leaf paper
- Calculator
Suggested for the hands-on learner, but not required: Math-U-See integer and decimal insert block kits:
Math-U-See Integer Block Kit (
Math-U-See Algebra/Decimal Insert Kit (
American History:
-Curriculum: Exploring America by Notgrass, 2019 updated edition.
-Both textbooks: Part 1 (ISBN-13: 9781609999988) and Part 2 (ISBN-13: 9781609999995) (student textbooks only)
–Loose-leaf paper
– Apologia Exploring Creation with Biology 3rd edition (student textbook only)
– Colored pencils for lab drawings (erasable is best)
– 1.5” 3-ring binder
– Gmail account (either your own or a parent’s) to submit study guides is required
– Multi-color pen or multiple pens in different colors
– 8.5” x 14” pad of paper (Any color)
– Folder
- Loose-leaf paper
Elementary Ancient History
- Curriculum: Heritage Studies Ancient Civilizations by BJU Press (student textbook only)
– 1” binder (or part of a binder shared with another subject/class)
– Loose-leaf paper
– 2 tab dividers
– Folder that fits in binder
– Colored pencils, scissors, and glue (needed on occasion)
Elementary Art
– Supply list on Amazon:
Elementary Literature:
– Curriculum: Please purchase the following books or have then checked out of the library when needed: Mrs. Frisby & the Rats of NIHM by Robert C. O’Brien, Sign of the Beaver by Elizabeth George Spear, A Night Divided by Jennifer A. Nielsen, A Year Down Yonder by Richar Peck, Hatchet by Gary Paulsen and Where the Red Fern Grows by Wilson Rawls. They do not need to be specific ISBNs. If you are going to be checking out books from the library, I will let you know when books are finishing up so you can have the next book reserved.
– Loose-leaf paper
– Pencils
– Binder or folder exclusively for literature class
We will start the year with Mrs. Frisby & the Rats of NIHM.
Elementary Science:
– Apologia Exploring Creation with Zoology 2:Swimming Creatures, 2nd edition only (student textbook only)
– 1.5" 3-ring binder
– Folder that fits in binder to collect homework
– Pencils/colored pencils, markers, or crayons (whichever is preferred)
– Paper for notes
Essentials for Writing (Both A and B):
– 1.5 ̈ or 2 ̈ binder for writing
– 4 divider tabs
– Loose-leaf paper for notes
Financial Literacy:
- Curriculum: Foundations in Personal Finance by The Lampo Group
-Student book only:
Online video subscription with student book:
Note*- The student workbook needs the corresponding video content from the online subscription to be completed. Bridges will provide the videos, however students will need to be prepared to spend their ½ hour lunch time watching the videos that accompany this curriculum. If they are unable to do so they will need to purchase the online subscription for home viewing.
– 1.5″ 3-ring binder
Great Books and Great Writing:
Curriculum: Please purchase the books listed as students will be required to annotate the text. A particular ISBN number is not required. The Book Thief by Markus Zusak, Night by Elie Wiesel, Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck, The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis, The Crucible by Arthur Miller, The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson, Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, and Shakespeare’s Macbeth.
-1.5” binder for handouts and to organize work throughout the year
- Notebook or paper for notes
- Pencils
- Highlighters for annotation
*Recommended but not required: post-it flags for bookmarking text
-Total Health Choices for a Winning Lifestyle by Susan Boe (student textbook only)
- Pocket Folder, with either a spiral notebook or loose leaf paper
Introduction to Spanish 1
- Curriculum: Español En Vivo Level 1: Instructional Spanish Workbook for Grades 4-8 by En Vivo Publications (student workbook only)
- 1" 3-ring binder
- Loose leaf paper
Introduction to Spanish 2
- Curriculum: Español ¡En Vivo! Instructional Spanish Workbook Grade 9-12 Level 2 by En Vivo Publications (student workbook only)
- 1' 3-ring binder
- Loose leaf paper
Introduction to Writing
– Supplemental Curriculum: Write Ahead: A Student Handbook for Writing and Learning (ISBN:9781941660539)
– 1.5-inch binder
– 5 divider tabs
– College-ruled notebook paper for taking notes (a whole pack will not be necessary, so siblings or friends could split a pack between them)
– Package of index cards
Jr. High Literature:
- Please purchase the following books or have them checked out of the library when needed: Leepike Ridge by N.D. Wilson, The Broken Blade by William Durbin, Bud, Not Buddy by Christopher Paul Cutris, Carry On, Mr. Bowditch by Jean Lee Latham, The Hiding Place by Corrie Ten Boom, Inside and Out & Back Again by Thanhha Lai (this would be helpful to own because we may need to annotate in the book) and A Single Shard by Linda Sue Park. They do not need to be specific ISBNs.
If you are going to be checking out books from the library, I will let you know when books are finishing up so you can have the next book reserved.
– Loose-leaf paper
– Pencils
– Binder or folder exclusively for literature class
We will start the year with Leepike Ridge
Jr. High Life Science
– Purposeful Design Life Science, by Purposeful Design Publications 2016 edition (student textbook only)
– 3 ring binder with folder
– Paper and pencils
– Colored pencils
– Scissors
Jr./Sr. High Art (please note that different supplies are needed for each semester)
First semester (acrylic)
Second Semester (watercolor)
Jr. High World History and Geography:
– From Adam to Us - Part 1: Creation to Cathedrals and Part 2: Castles to Computers by Notgrass (student textbooks only)
– 3×5 index cards
– 1” binder (or part of a binder shared with another subject/class)
– Loose-leaf paper
– 2 tab dividers
– Folder that fits in binder
– Colored pencils, scissors, and glue (needed on occasion)
Music: The Art of Choral Performance
- 1.5" Binder
- Pencils
- Loose-leaf paper
Physical Education:
– Gym Clothes (NO jeans, khakis, etc…)
– Athletic Shoes
– Water Bottle
– Softball or Baseball Mitt
Physical Science
– Exploring Creation with Physical Science, 3rd or 4th Edition is acceptable (student textbook only)
– 3 ring binder with folder
– Paper and pencils
– Colored pencils
– Gmail account (either your own or a parent’s) to submit study guides is required
- Curriculum: Math-U-See Pre-Algebra Student Pack
- Curriculum link:
- 3 ring binder
- Loose-leaf paper
- Suggested for the hands-on learner, but not required: Math-U-See integer and decimal insert block kits:
Math-U-See Integer Block Kit (
Math-U-See Algebra/Decimal Insert Kit (
Spanish 1
– Spanish 1 Student Textbook, BJU Press, 3rd edition
– Spanish 1 Student Activities Book, BJU Press, 3rd edition
– A lot of 3×5 index cards (or Quizlet account for flashcards)
– Plastic container or ring to keep flashcards together
– Loose-leaf paper
Spanish 1 (B)
– Spanish 1 Student Textbook, BJU Press, 3rd edition
– Spanish 1 Student Activities Book, BJU Press, 3rd edition
– A lot of 3×5 index cards (or Quizlet account for flashcards)
– Plastic container or ring to keep flashcards together
– Loose-leaf paper
– Internet access to videos on YouTube
- Index cards
- Folder
Canton Bridges Homeschool Organization
5455 Market Ave N, Canton, OH 44714