There's a lot to see here! Take your time and look around! Please reach us in the contacts tab, at, or by phone 330-858-4329 if you cannot find the answer to your question and we would be happy to help!
Click on the link below to create an account during open registration.
Each student will be required to pay the registration fee (see below), and the class/supply fees associated with the classes that they have registered for (see course descriptions) and that's it!
Yes, there is a $70 registration fee per student that is not refundable.
Registration is done online on our site called the Hub. Read and review the instructions provided in the school year tab which you are registering for. *Please use a computer and not your cell phone for the registration process.
Registration opens for the upcoming school year near the beginning of April and remains open until the middle of August. All classes have a maximum student number and will close to further registration when they are full, so student placement is not guaranteed. Registration opens first to current families for one week and then to new families after that. Registration opens April 9th at 9am to new families this year!
Registration opens for the upcoming school year near the beginning of April and remains open until the middle of August. Bridges does not open registration mid-year, but feel free to contact us to see if there are any available spots for a second semester class and we may possibly be able to help.
Yes! We have a designated date once a year (see calendar) when we allow prospective families to visit. You will get a chance to look around, talk with one of our administrators, and even sit in on a class if you would like. If you are interested in our 2024 open house on April 1, schedule your visit here:
For a student to enroll in Bridges, they need to be 10 years old and in fifth grade. Age cut-off for each school year is September 30th. Bridges only accepts students who are in 5-12th grade (and at least 10).
While we register students by their grade level, every class does have an age requirement. Please consult the class description to see required ages. Age cut-off for each school year is September 30th.
Bridges is a homeschool organization that meets only one day a week and is not equipped to provide special accommodations for any student that has been given an IEP by a school or that has special learning needs which affects their ability to participate independently in the classroom.
We offer a rotation of science, writing, and high school elective classes in order for parents to plan their student’s school years. However, if a class does not meet minimum enrollment or we cannot find a teacher, this could change.
2023-24: Elementary Science in the Beginning, Junior High General Science, Physical Science, Biology, Chemistry,
2024-25: Elementary Zoology 2:Swimming Creatures, Junior High Life Science, Physical Science, Biology, Anatomy and Physiology
2023-24: Essentials for Writing, Intro to Writing (Persuasive), College Prep Writing (15+)
2024-25: Essentials for Writing, Intro to Writing (Expository), Great Books and Great Writing (15+)
3. Jr. High and High School ELECTIVE ROTATION (other electives are offered every year):
2023-24: Elementary Ohio History, Jr. High American History, World History (high school), Economics/Government
2024-25: Elementary Ancient History, Jr. High World History, American History (high school) Financial Literacy/Health
The registration fee pays for any costs relating to the use of the building and general costs of keeping the program running, the study hall fee pays for a supervised study hall, the materials fee pays for classroom supplies (lab materials, copies, markers, etc.), and the tuition fee pays your child’s teacher.
Yes, you will need to purchase the listed curriculum for each class and any school supplies (textbooks, DVDs, workbooks, etc.) that the teacher requests. See the supply list in the current school year tab.
Students can sign up for as few or as many open classes as they would like. A waiting list is available for filled classes.
Yes. Government, economics, finance, health, debate, music, art, physical education and many others are offered a semester at a time and your student can take one semester of any of them. (Example: Physical Education for first semester; Jr. High Art for second semester.) Consult the class schedule.
Bridges is a supervised environment, so you may drop off your child as long as your child is in a class or registered for study hall during any free periods in their day. If your child has a free period with no scheduled class and you have chosen not to register for study hall, you must remain with them in the building. Bridges will provide a parent room for your use as available.
You only have to register for study hall if your student is in multiple classes and has a break in the schedule. During the break, he or she must be signed up for the supervised study hall and the study hall fee will apply unless you are in the building and have them with you in a designated room. On the other hand, if the student doesn’t have a break in his or her schedule, there is no need to pay the flat $50 fee yearly fee (or $25 if it is only needed for one semester). The study hall fee covers as many or as few class periods as a student needs in their schedule.
Yes! Lunch is from 12-12:25 every Monday and we offer two large supervised rooms for students with us during that period. Students pack their own lunches. Students may only eat lunch in the designated lunch rooms and not in a classroom. A snack may be eaten during class time with teacher's permission and as long as it is not messy or disruptive to the class.
Student health and safety is very important to us! Every teacher is given the student allergy list for their class at the beginning of the school year and will make sure that anything they bring to the classroom is safe for their individual students. With that being said, we do not ban any food ingredients in our lunch rooms. We expect students who are 5th grade and up to monitor their individual needs. Students may keep an EpiPen with us at the desk (or in their backpack) if necessary and we also keep Benadryl on hand for emergencies. We ask that students are able to be self-sufficient in understanding what they can and cannot eat while at school and we also expect our teachers to honor student's allergies in class activities so that no one is excluded.
Unfortunately, we do not issue refunds, so make sure you schedule your student for appropriate classes.
Yes, you can make payments over the course of the spring only. The final payment must be made by July 1st to attend classes. Failure to pay will result in losing your place in a class and a student not being permitted to attend available classes until payment is made.
Yes, in-person orientation is required for all new Bridges families (students and at least one parent) in order to participate. Online orientation is offered for current families that are returning for the next year. After any absence from Bridges, in-person orientation is again required. See calendar for orientation date.
The teacher will provide all instruction and homework necessary for each class. The teachers are responsible to collect, assess, and grade each student’s homework, quizzes, and tests. The online class site, the Toolbox, is continually updated with class information and a student’s grades and is always available for access.
It is the parent's responsibility to keep any necessary homeschool records, provide end of year assessments and maintain school transcripts. It is also the parent's responsibility to provide any additional help a struggling student may need outside of the classroom.
Overall, the majority of science experiments and labs (including microscopy) are completed in the Bridges classrooms. Occasionally a student will be required to perform something simple at home due to the experiment needing to be completed over an extended period of time, and the teacher typically provides the supplies that are needed in those circumstances.
When Plain Local Schools are canceled for road safety, then Bridges classes are also canceled. However, if Plain Local Schools cancels for cold temperatures, we will still hold classes. Parents will receive an email regarding the cancellation of classes early Monday morning. In order to avoid extending the school year, teachers will send a detailed email or video and homework assignments to make up for the missed class time.
Students are only with their teachers one day a week, so we strongly encourage making it a priority to come to class! In case of illness or planned absence, please login to the Toolbox and contact your teachers directly through the messages tab to let them each know and address turning in homework. Any absences that exceed two weeks may warrant a teacher conference with administration present, but will also need permission to register for the class.
Canton Bridges Homeschool Organization
5455 Market Ave N, Canton, OH 44714